TOCANI offers SALSA KITS, CHILES, and SPICES. The Perfect Balance of Mexican Culture and Flavor.

Cumin (Ground) / Comino Molido

Cumin (Ground) / Comino Molido


see below for weight information

Cumin is an ancient spice and thrives in warm, dry climates around the world. It has a strong pungent savory flavor and is used sparingly. Ground cumin has a mild...




Cumin is an ancient spice and thrives in warm, dry climates around the world. It has a strong pungent savory flavor and is used sparingly. Ground cumin has a mild taste.


El comino es una especia antigua y prospera en climas cálidos y secos en todo el mundo. Tiene un fuerte aroma picante y sabor salado. El comino molido tiene un sabor más suave que el comino entero.


1.0 oz.

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Tocani's Chiles come from these Mexican states.

Select a state to see where Tocani sources its chiles.
  • Aguascalientes
  • Campeche
  • Chiapas
  • Durango
  • Guanajuato
  • Jalisco
  • Michoacán
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla
  • Querétaro
  • Quintana Roo
  • San Luis Potosí
  • Sinaloa
  • Tabasco
  • Tlaxcala
  • Veracruz
  • Zacatecas